[孕。像]攝影 | 謝謝你引領我們的小生命到來 | 台北 桃園 新竹 攝影師 | [JC]CREATIVE


妝髮 |  游舒惠 @ W時尙美學

JOANNA :「 我與先生原本是不生育主義,卻意外地懷孕,在爭扎是否把小孩生下來的過程中,凝視著我們家的狗狗,心想在路邊撿回來的生命我們都願意用心照顧,那為什麼自己的孩子要來了,卻不迎接他進入我們的生命呢?」

JOANNA :" We planned to stay childless after married , but as always, Life is always full of surprises. I was pregnant . we were at cross-road , struggling to decide whether to stay on with the pregnancy . suddenly it all become clear that we have the heart to welcome a stray dog into our lives , share our home and care. why can't we extend the same warmth and care and welcome our own child with all our love?"

[孕婦寫真] 生命之歌 | Portrait of a Pregnancy - The Song of Life | 台北 桃園 新竹 攝影師 JC CREATIVE

    樹呀~ 你聽見了嗎? 我將再次來臨的心跳聲。



photographer | [JC]CREATIVE
make up |Lillian Makeup & Accessories 林家卉新娘祕書整體造型
location | TAI WAN TAOYUAN 台灣桃園

Can you hear me ?  my tree … the sweet beat of my heart…

From birth till death , how many roles one play throughout... The most important would be being a parent…
Nurtured in the womb of mother , a child will arrived in this world, fresh and pure as a newly germinated seed , place in the careful arm of parent , surrounded by the warmth and love as how the earth encroached on the new seed…

When the nutrients in the earth that will determine how high the tree soar , how green its leaves are, how bushy the branches , the hand of parent will shape the child into a healthy and strong human being and mould his/her vision and perspective of life later … 

A high-flying CEO, teacher . artist or just the guy working at the corner shop , parents are “ papa/mama” in the eye of the child , a personl who will be writing the chapter and note for him/her’s life musical .

“ will I be another Mozart ? Beethoven? Schubert? ”